Potty training your child can be a difficult time, especially for boys. Potty training for boys typically takes two months longer for boys than it does for girls. It’s best to start when your son shows an interest and is physically able to. Some children may be ready to start training as soon as eighteen months, but some may not be ready until or even after their third birthday. Attempting potty training to soon can take longer.
Toddlers learn by imitating and watching you use the bathroom so a first step in potty training can be watching. If he sees that daddy and mommy use the potty differently, this can create a segue to explain the basic way that boys use the bathroom. It’s important to use anatomically correct names when explaining potty training so that your son does not begin to think that genitals are something that are embarrassing.
Many children struggle with potty training because they do not have the right equipment. There are many potty training accessories available out there to help you and your child. A child size potty is usually thought of as the best way to go. Some toddlers are afraid of using the toilet because it is too big for them and they fear that they could fall in. An adapter seat for a regular toilet is also a popular option. An adapter seat or child potty are then eventually phased out.
Popular picture books like Everyone Poop by Taro Gomi or Uh, Oh! Gotta Go! can help a child grasp how to use the potty. If difficulties persist, it may be time to contact a professional potty training specialist or attend a class like the ones offered by PooLogix.
A core part of potty training your child is implementing a schedule. Many people decide on use the back and forth method which involves switching between diapers and underpants. Some parents opt to go cold turkey meaning underwear full time. Though of course with the cold turkey method, it means that you will probably be cleaning up a lot of accidents. Sometimes your son’s doctor may recommend a method that he or she thinks may be the best.
It’s important through this whole process to remember to be patient with your child. While you may want your child to be potty trained tomorrow, it’s important to remember that it’s a process that takes time. Implementing a reward system and giving your child a toy or piece of candy for using the potty can help to speed things up.