College is the first time most people get to truly experience independence. Some people decide to stick closer to home, while others decide to travel out of state for their education, wanting to experience different parts of the country while they can. Attending college out of state can be a huge decision and there are a lot of considerations to make before beginning your first semester.
What To Pack?
If your campus is a 30-minute drive from your childhood home, you may not worry about bringing all the things you need with you since you can easily drop by your parents’ house to pick up anything you missed. If you’re coming from out of state, however, you will have to be much more intentional about what you do and don’t pack. It can be a good idea to search around for moving tips Orlando FL to see what the best method for transporting your things might be.
What To Wear?
If you’re moving from southern California to Minnesota for your education, there is a good chance that you may not have the wardrobe necessary for the area. Be sure to research what the climate is like in your college’s area and stock up on the appropriate garb, whether that means snow boots, rain jackets, or tank tops.
Who To Call?
If you are attending college out of state, there is a chance you may not know anyone in the area. It is possible, however, that you have family or friends who live in your new state of residence, or at least in a neighboring state. Make sure to swap contact information with these people so that you can get ahold of someone nearby in an emergency even if your immediate family may be far away.
College is a scary yet exciting time for a lot of young people. It marks the start of when many people get to break off and live their own lives. If you are moving out of state for college, be sure to do your research before you arrive!