
This Is How You Write an Argumentative Essay in Your College

Argumentative essay topics for college are very important. A good opening is extremely important in an argumentative essay. This opening is very similar to that of an opening statement in a court trial. First, the writer of the argumentative essay needs to present the issue. Then he or she needs to write about the background and then put on the main topic. You have to do everything in a very logical, persuasive and a very interactive way.

Steps to writing a good argumentative essay

  • First, you have to start with a hook sentence

A hook sentence helps the reader to get interested in a particular topic. In order to ensure that the reader gets interested to read the essay, you can either start it with a personal story, an argument or a very interesting question. The first sentence should have the capability to grab the attention of the readers, and they should be forced to read the entire essay.

  • Including a background is also very important

If the essay that you write has a good background, then it helps the readers to get a better understanding of the topics. You should be able to include the history as well as the context so that you are able to argue better as well as explain the topic.

  • Your argument should then be able to state your thesis

The most important part of an argumentative essay is the thesis. Thesis is a statement that actually sums up the point that you want to make in one single sentence. Thesis is something on which you can argue. It cannot simply be a fact.

  • What should the introduction include?

The introduction should not contain the arguments. Rather it should simply introduce the points that you want to argue in your essay. It should not support any statement or lay down a particular point.

The various argumentative essay topics for college

The most common argumentative essay topics in the colleges today are:

  • Should the government put a limit on the number of passengers that you can carry in a car?
  • Should High school education be made mandatory?
  • Should parents permit the use of contraceptives?
  • Is it necessary for schools to provide sexual education to children?

There are a number of good argumentative essay topics for college. If you are to choose a topic, then it is always better to pick the one that helps you to present your opinions on that topic.