Most ESL (English as second language) researchers are not really fluent in English language. This makes it difficult for them to understand the aim and scope of international peer-reviewed journals, which are published in English. Due to this impediment, they often end up submitting to an academic journal whose scope does not fit with the topic of their research study. An erroneous selection of an academic journal means that the paper gets rejected by the journal editor. To address this issue, most author education companies offer journal selection service.
It is not easy to publish in peer-reviewed international journals of repute. The factors that need to be considered while selecting an academic journal for publication are as follows: the scope and aim of the journal, the journal’s impact factor, the peer review process, the types of published articles in an academic journal, the number of citations received per year, and the readership of the journal. Today, there are thousands of academic journals that publish articles in a particular field of study. Selecting an appropriate journal for publication seems to be a cumbersome task to researchers, especially when they are not native speakers of English.
Academic editors have the requisite skills to recommend journals that appropriate for publishing a research article. As most academic editors have a successful track record of publications in international journals, they are familiar with the requirements of most academic journals in their field of study. Academic editors work for most author education companies, and they usually provide at least three journals that are most suitable for publishing your research article.
Selecting an academic journal for publishing an academic article seems to be a tricky decision that can make or break the success of your research study. Because academic editors have subject matter expertise in their field of study, they manage to make this decision correctly. Most academic editors also consider the publication model of the academic journal, that is, whether it follows an “open access” or “subscription” model of publishing.
Today, the popularity of “hybrid” journals has increased immensely as it seems to be a middle-path between the clashing ideologies of “open access” and “subscription” model. The cost of publication is also taken into account while selecting an academic journal for publication. This is especially true for authors living in developing countries as they have limited access to research grants. Although an academic editor recommends the names of three journals, the author makes the final decision of selecting an academic journal that is most appropriate for publication.