Kids differ from each other in all sorts of ways. They can have different interests and personalities, different physical appearances, and different ways of learning. Sometimes these learning differences are problematic. If a child is struggling in school, it could be due to a learning disorder (learning disability). Many strategies exist, including homework tutoring Harvey LA, that can be used to accommodate learning disorders.
What Does a Learning Disorder Involve?
A person with a learning disorder has a problem with information processing. It can be difficult, therefore, for this individual to learn certain types of skills or to effectively use them. Although it is generally the case that people who have learning disorders possess average or above-average intelligence, this is often not reflected in their academic accomplishments. Due to the learning disorder, there is typically a gap between a person’s expected performance and actual performance.
How Widespread Are Learning Disorders?
In the United States, 1 out of 5 children have been reported to have difficulties with learning and attention. The areas most affected by learning disorders include written expression, reading, math, and nonverbal skills.
What Factors Might Cause Learning Disorders?
Physical trauma, such as infections of the nervous system or head traumas, could contribute to a learning disorder’s development. As well as affecting overall brain development, psychological trauma or abuse that occurs in early childhood might increase an individual’s risk for developing a learning disorder. An increased risk has also been linked to environmental exposure, including being exposed to high levels of toxins (such as lead).
Learning disorders have been associated with prenatal and neonatal risks; some of these risks include a birthweight that is very low, restricted growth in the uterus, exposure to drugs or alcohol prior to birth, and premature birth. As well, having a family history of learning disorders has been shown to increase an individual’s risk.
As more is understood about learning disorders, more can likely be done to ensure that those whose brains may be wired a little differently have the opportunity to be successful.