NTA has released the JEE Mains syllabus for BE/B.Tech for the year 2020. There will be three subjects, namely, Maths, Physics, and Chemistry, in Paper 1. The exam will also consist of Papers 2 and 3. But this article deals with Paper 1. NTA will conduct JEE Main 2020 from January 6 – 12.
The Chemistry syllabus has 3 sub-sections, i.e., physical, organic, and inorganic Chemistry. Physical chemistry includes basic concepts about the fundamental particles (atoms, molecules, and compounds); the different states of matter and the associated laws such as Graham’s diffusion law, Boyle’s and Charles’ law, Avogadro’s number, Dalton’s partial pressure law, the ideal gas equation, the Van der Waals equation, real gases and the kinetic theory of gases; the characteristics of liquids; the categorization of solids and a thorough analysis of them using the associated laws; various models of atomic structure, matter’s dual nature, de Broglie’s relationship, Heisenberg’s principle of uncertainty; quantum mechanics; types of chemical bonding and the structure of molecules, including Molecular Orbital Theory and various other characteristics; chemical thermodynamics and the laws associated with it; ways of expressing solution concentrations, their vapour pressure, Raoult’s law, dilute solutions’ colligative properties, molecular mass determination; equilibrium concept with physical and chemical processes, the laws associated with it, ionic equilibrium; electrochemistry and redox reaction concepts, application of Kohlrausch’s law, electrochemical cells; and chemical kinetics and surface chemistry. NCERT Chemistry is the standard book for reference.
Inorganic chemistry includes the categorization of elements and the periodicity of properties in the modern periodic table; the principles and processes associated with metal isolation; hydrogen, its isotopes, characteristics, structure, reactions, and use as a fuel; alkaline and alkaline earth metals in the block elements, their configuration, characteristics, diagonal relationship, preparation of vital chemical compounds like sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide, industrial use of limestone, lime, cement, and Plaster of Paris, the biological importance of sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium; elements of groups 13–18 (p-block elements), their characteristics; d- and f-block elements, transition and inner transition elements, coordination compounds; and environmental chemistry: pollution and the pollutants of the atmosphere, soil, and water. Numerical Chemistry by P. Bahadur and Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee are the books that can be referred by candidates.
Organic chemistry deals with organic compounds’ purification and characterization; organic chemistry’s basic principles, carbon tetravalency, trivial and IUPAC nomenclature; hydrocarbons: classification, isomerism, nomenclature, alkenes, alkanes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons; organic compounds having halogens: preparation methods, reactions, characteristics, uses; organic compounds having oxygen: preparation, reactions, characteristics, and uses’ alcohols, phenols, ethers, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids, nucleophilic addition reactions; organic compounds having nitrogen: preparation, characteristics, nomenclature, and uses, amines, diazonium salts; polymers; biomolecules: carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, nucleic acids, chemistry in day-to-day life: medicine, food, antibiotics; practical chemistry: principles; and chemical principles of experiments of CuSO4 solution enthalpy, strong acid and strong base neutralization enthalpy, preparing lyophilic and lyophobic sols, iodide ion reaction with hydrogen peroxide at room temperature: its kinetic study. Organic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd is one of the best reference books.
Maths is another section of the JEE Mains 2020 Paper 1 syllabus. The Maths section will be of 100 marks. There will be 25 questions, each of 4 marks. The topics for the Maths section include sets and relations; complex numbers and quadratic equations; matrices and determinants: types and properties; permutation and combination; application of mathematical induction and the binomial theorem; series and sequences: arithmetic, geometric, and arithmetic-geometric progressions and the relation between them; limit, continuity, and differentiation—applications, Rolle and Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorems; integral calculus; differential equations: order and degree, solution by variable separation method, solution of linear differential equation in homogeneous equation; coordinate geometry: straight lines and circles; 3-D geometry; vector algebra; probability and statistics; trigonometry; and mathematical reasoning. NCERT’s Maths books for XI and XII are good for reference. Apart from this, Trigonometry and Coordinate Geometry by S. L. Loney and Higher Algebra by Hall and Knight can be referred.
Physics is the third subject in the JEE Mains 2020 syllabus. Each question in the Physics section carries 4 marks. Its topics include measurements with fundamental and derived units; rotational motion; kinematics; motion-related laws: force and inertia, friction: its types and laws; work, energy, and power; gravitation; properties of liquids and solids and the associated laws; thermodynamics; oscillations and waves; electrostatics; current electricity; kinetic theory of gases; current’s magnetic impact and magnetism; electromagnetic induction and alternating currents; electromagnetic waves; optics: properties of light and wave; matter’s dual nature, radiation; atomic models and radioactivity; and electronic devices and systems of communication. The best books candidates can refer to are Advanced Level Physics by Nelkon and Parker and the two volumes of H. C. Verma. For objective questions, General Physics by I. E. Irodov and Problems in Physics by A. A. Pinsky can be used.